Top 10 Myths About Raw Feeding and the Truth Behind Them

Top 10 Myths About Raw Feeding and the Truth Behind Them

As a responsible pet owner, you’re always looking for the best ways to ensure your dog is happy, healthy, and full of life. One of the most debated topics in the pet nutrition world is raw feeding. While many swear by the benefits, there are countless myths and misconceptions that can make the decision to switch daunting. Here at Raw Dogs Dorset, we’re committed to helping you make informed choices for your furry friend. Let’s debunk the top 10 myths about raw feeding and uncover the truth behind them. 

Myth 1: Raw Feeding is Unsafe Due to Bacteria 

Truth: One of the most pervasive myths about raw feeding is that it’s unsafe due to bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. However, the reality is that with proper handling and preparation, raw feeding can be just as safe as any other type of dog food. After all, dogs have a shorter and more acidic digestive tract, designed to process raw meat without issue. Just as you would when preparing your own meals, it’s important to follow good hygiene practices—washing your hands, cleaning surfaces, and storing meat correctly. 

Myth 2: Raw Diets Aren’t Balanced or Complete 

Truth: A common misconception is that raw diets can’t provide all the nutrients a dog needs. However, a properly planned raw diet is fully capable of meeting your dog’s nutritional needs. At Raw Dogs Dorset, our expertly formulated meal plans are designed to ensure that your dog receives a balanced diet with the correct proportions of meat, bones, organs, and plant-based nutrients. The key is variety and understanding your dog’s specific nutritional requirements. 

Myth 3: Raw Feeding Causes Aggression 

Truth: There’s a myth that feeding your dog raw meat will make them more aggressive or “bloodthirsty.” This is simply not true. Aggression in dogs is related to behaviour and training, not diet. In fact, many raw-fed dogs tend to be calmer and more content because they are getting the nutrients they need. The diet doesn't change a dog’s temperament, but it can certainly help improve their overall wellbeing. 

Myth 4: Raw Feeding is Too Expensive 

Truth: While it’s true that raw feeding can sometimes appear more expensive than traditional kibble, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits. Many dog owners find that the overall costs balance out when factoring in reduced vet bills and a lower risk of chronic health issues. At Raw Dogs Dorset, we offer a range of affordable raw feeding options to suit different budgets, making it easier than ever to provide your dog with top-quality nutrition. 

Myth 5: Dogs Can’t Digest Bones Safely 

Truth: The idea that bones are dangerous for dogs often stems from the confusion between cooked and raw bones. Cooked bones can splinter and cause harm, but raw bones are much softer and easier for dogs to digest. They provide essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, as well as promoting dental health. At Raw Dogs Dorset, we ensure that our bones are of the highest quality, suitable for your dog’s size and chewing habits. 

Myth 6: Raw Feeding is Too Complicated 

Truth: Raw feeding may seem intimidating at first, but with a little guidance, it’s easier than you think. At Raw Dogs Dorset, we simplify the process by offering pre-prepared, balanced meals that take the guesswork out of feeding. We’re also here to provide support and answer any questions you have, so you can confidently make the switch to raw feeding without feeling overwhelmed. 

Myth 7: Puppies Can’t Be Fed a Raw Diet 

Truth: Another common myth is that raw feeding isn’t suitable for puppies. On the contrary, starting your puppy on a raw diet can set them up for a lifetime of good health. Puppies have specific nutritional needs, and a well-planned raw diet can meet these requirements perfectly. At Raw Dogs Dorset, we offer puppy-specific raw food options that support their growth and development, ensuring they get the best start in life. 

Myth 8: Raw Food Leads to Nutrient Deficiencies 

Truth: Concerns about nutrient deficiencies often arise from poorly planned raw diets. However, with the right knowledge or guidance from experts like Raw Dogs Dorset, it’s entirely possible to provide a complete and balanced diet that supports all aspects of your dog’s health. We meticulously formulate our raw meals to include the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep your dog thriving. 

Myth 9: Raw Feeding is Just a Trend 

Truth: Raw feeding might seem like the latest fad, but it’s actually rooted in a natural diet that dogs have been thriving on for centuries. Dogs are descendants of wolves, whose diets primarily consisted of raw meat. The growing popularity of raw feeding is simply a return to these natural eating habits, supported by modern research. At Raw Dogs Dorset, we combine time-tested practices with the latest nutritional science to offer the best for your dog. 

Myth 10: All Dogs Can’t Handle Raw Diets 

Truth: While it’s true that some dogs may have specific dietary needs or medical conditions that require special attention, most dogs can adapt to a raw diet with the right approach. Whether you have a young pup, a senior dog, or a dog with particular health concerns, Raw Dogs Dorset can work with you to tailor a raw feeding plan that suits your dog’s individual needs. 


Switching to a raw diet is a significant decision, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting one. By debunking these myths, we hope to empower you to make the best choice for your dog’s health and happiness.

At Raw Dogs Dorset, we pride ourselves on being a trusted source of information and high-quality raw dog food.

If you have any questions or need guidance, our team is here to help every step of the way. 

Your dog deserves the best—choose Raw Dogs Dorset for a diet that’s as close to nature as possible.